Category: Uncategorized
Goodbye Mom
On the first day of Summer 2023 (Wednesday 6/21) my mother, Janet B. Jump, concluded her journey that on this world began in 1934. By all accounts she ended her time as a pleasant if not outright entertaining person, after an extended period with continually progressing dementia. This was not a surprise ending and please…
Welcome to 2015
Well, we all made it again – another circuit around Sol. 2014 in retrospect was a good-bad year, but thankfully it went out with a whimper and not a bang, like 2013 did. The beginning of the year had us reeling from the passing of Maria’s mother, just weeks before Christmas 2013. This was both…
Bon Voyage
M is off to Florida this morning, to help out her parents through the holiday break that school gives her. I’m very happy that she can go, but I miss her already.
I’m playing around with our blog, reformatting, adding image galleries, etc. Stay tuned.
Welcome back, Spring!
In a mere two days Spring season will officially be here. Today though, starts Bear’s real cycling season for 2011. Daylight is being Saved, bikes are *mostly* ready, and the Plan is Engaged to go longer, bigger, and further than any previous year. Honey will even be drug along for some of the ride, I…
7 Months Later
It hasn’t been a static 7 months, but we just don’t seem to diver time to maintaining the blog a whole lot. Too bad. Highlights… Maria coached her first group of students to a successful ACM Programming competition, a regional level competition held locally here at Wilkes University. The King’s group managed to do better…
May Again
It seems to me that life is always going to be bittersweet. Good with Bad. Yin with Yang. This month, along with celebrating another great year with Wife I get to remember and have the feelings surrounding the deaths of Dad, Aunt Betsy, Aunt Millie, and friend Anthony all together. I suppose that each year…
We finally managed to visit some of our East Coast friends this weekend. Sad, but it took the threat of them moving to our previous home town of Austin TX in the immediate future to galvanize a very targeted weekend – going to see one family and one only. You know, it was great. No…
Time Is Fleeting
Somebody once said that time flies, and boy are they right. It feels like only yesterday we were dealing with Family Christmas Drama and here it is the Ides of March. Maybe things will go better this year, it sure could not be that difficult if only important people can try to not die off…
A New Year
We made it. 2010 now spreads out before us like a blank painter’s canvas, awaiting color and stroke to provide it feature and meaning. The questions posed … Which colors to use? What strokes to apply? How deeply to tread? Who to journey with? Please think kindly of us as we go hand in hand…